
Looking for a vehicle.

Posted by Meandmy3 (5 items)

Hello everyone,

I have a huge ask, I have wanted to post this for awhile now but I decided against it because I have a really difficult time asking for help. 2 yrs ago our vehicle went kaputs and since that it's been a real struggle. I am on disability because of my health but given the financial struggles we are all facing I want to get back out there and work, but that's pretty hard to do without any wheels. I have tried to save but I am on a tighter budget right now, and because things have gotten so ridiculously expensive it's next to impossible. I have doctors both here, carman and Winnipeg, I have paid lots for taxi's when we do things locally, My kiddo and I walk when we can but that's very hard to do in the winter time. I would like to purchase something that has been well taken care of and doesn't have tons of kms on it. Must be non smoking, one of my kids is asthmatic and very sensitive to smells and well let's face it smoking is gross, especially in enclosed spaces. I am on a tighter budget each month but I could afford to make payments to someone. I can afford 300-400 dollars a month for a car payment. I cannot get a loan because I am not working, and well the interest rates have gone up like everything else so I don't want a loan. My doctor's for the most part are not local which makes things incredibly difficult, just getting around to do the day to day stuff is incredibly difficult. I have been fortunate, I have a few good friends that have helped me out with rides but I don't like to rely on other people and even if they don't say so it's putting added pressures onto them. Things come up whether it's weather related, my kiddo is sick and needs to come home, my kiddo has appts to that I need to get him to and that can be very tough with no vehicle. He's a kid he likes to do stuff and there is only so much we can do without a vehicle. We don't have any programs to help ppl get into a vehicle, options are very limited. I would love to do payments, and depending on how much the vehicle is will reflect on how many payments there would be. With summer around the corner it would sure be nice to have some wheels to get around. If this is a possibility for you pls reach out to me. I realize that people are all struggling financially, there's also been so many scams happening. I'm coming at this honestly, this is a hard ask for me. If you could help me get into a vehicle I would be eternally grateful! Thank you.

Located in Winkler

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